Monday, December 22, 2008

The Office Christmas Party....

It's that time of year again... too many Christmas parties and too little time. our office party got the Offshoot crew out in full effect. we had a great night at C's place with pot luck, BYOB (it was actually a contest... who could bring the best "party drink"... the Pizzle won with the very tasty"Green P")

I've been on a serious kareoke kick for the last little while so i insisted that C had something to that effect in the house and he delivered. Lips is a new game on XBox 360 and we all battled it out! I won a lot of rounds, but the best song of the night was a falsetto duet by Mar & Dudley...!

I did especially well on Duran Duran's "Hungry Like the Wolf"! i didn't need the words ;) Quincy (our office mascot) even howled along with me... i guess that says a lot about my voice?

The special drinks got everyone into it and the cab chits got everyone home safe & sound... good times were had... i'll let the pictures tell the rest! ;)

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